I had a joke about one of those bop bag punching dolls, but it didn’t go over.
I have a joke that only Jews would get, but תותבשב דבוע אל הז.
I had a joke about Muhammad, but now I can’t picture it.
I have a joke about The Washington Post, but not everyone gets it.
I had a joke about a rotting squirrel, but the dog ate it.
I had a joke about genetic defects in Dalmatian dogs, but it fell on deaf ears.
I have a joke about Dempster Dumpsters, but it stinks.
I have a joke about inflection points, but it’s been overused.
I have a joke about a wrecking ball, and it brings down the house.
I had a joke about belly flopping, but it fell flat.
I have a joke about FDR, but it’s lame.
I have a joke about Bonnie and Clyde, but it’s full of holes.
I have a joke about premature ejaculation, but I think it’s too soon.
I have a joke about myself, but it’s pretty old.
I have a joke about brassieres, but I had to pad it.
I had a joke about auto-correct, but I ducked it up.
I have a joke about Ted Kaczynski, but it bombs.
I had a joke about Khloe Kardashian, but it didn’t work at all.
I have a joke about neuropathy, but it’s insensitive.
I had a joke about a drunk in a hotel, but it lost the room.
I had a joke about the Anschluss, and it won the room.
I had a joke about covid, but nobody I knew got it.
I had a joke about Jack the Ripper, and it killed.
I had a joke about Mike Tyson, but it came back to bite me.
I had a joke about a fart, but it escaped me.
I had a joke about an Acme® bomb, but it fizzled.
I had a joke about dyslexia, but I misread my audience.
I had a joke about Tom the Butcher, but he cut it because he is an idiot.
I had a joke about Bill Buckner, but I booted it.
I had a joke about New Jersey Gov. McGreevey, but it came out badly.
I had a joke about golf, but it was a stupid, boring waste of time.
I had a joke about a poorly designed blimp, but it went over like a lead balloon.
I had a joke about diapers, but it was too dirty.
I had a joke about “Finnegans Wake,” but it made no sense.
I have a joke about Trump’s complexion, but it is off-color.
I have a joke about my covid test, but I won’t know if it’s okay for another 17 days.
I have a joke about math, but it’s problematic.
I had a lousy joke about the election, but I fixed it.
I have a joke about the Australian Outback, but it boomeranged.
I tried to write a joke about overuse of Viagra, but I couldn’t get it down.
I had a joke about having a joke, but so did everyone else.
Email Gene Weingarten at weingarten@washpost.com. Find chats and updates at washingtonpost.com/magazine.
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August 27, 2020 at 08:00PM
Gene Weingarten: I have a joke about Twitter memes - The Washington Post
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