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Tuesday, January 19, 2021

10 Funny Things to Ask Siri - MakeUseOf

As Apple’s voice-controlled virtual assistant, Siri can perform various tasks on your command. She can send messages, start a call, set reminders, and more. You can also ask Siri questions like "Where am I?" or "How long will it take to reach my destination?"


But one thing you may not know about Siri is that she also has some sass. So get out your iPhone and try these funny questions to ask Siri. You might get a hearty laugh from her goofy answers.

Asking Siri a Question

Question mark sign

There are tons of useful things that Siri can do, and one of these is to help you kill boredom and have some fun. You only need to ask the right questions to bring out the virtual assistant’s sassy and funny side.

8 Things You Probably Didn't Realize Siri Could Do

Siri has become one of the iPhone’s defining features, but for many people, it’s not always the most useful. While some of this is due to the limitations of voice recognition, the oddity of using voice to command a device is also partly to blame. Users often assume Siri isn't good for much more than finding directions or calling contacts. That couldn't be further from the truth - here are ten lesser-known commands to show you why.

We’ve gathered the best questions to ask Siri that will make her spit out some hilarious answers. Make sure you try asking them more than once since Apple often includes multiple answers.

If Siri doesn't respond, make sure that you haven't turned off Siri on your device.

1. Are You Married?

Married couple holding hands

Most people are curious about the love life of celebrities. And as one of Apple’s famous features, Siri surprisingly happens to be under the same spotlight. Maybe Siri has a secret significant other that she comes home to whenever she’s done assisting iPhone users.


“It seems the whole world is concerned about my relationships.”

Unfortunately, Siri only gives a vague answer. We can’t tell if it’s a yes or no. Why not shoot your shot with the next couple of funny questions to ask Siri?

2. Will You Go Out With Me?

Hand reaching out in white background

Are you feeling down because you can’t get more matches on Bumble and other dating apps? You could try asking Siri this question, but you might feel even sadder because of the answer.

As mentioned before, there might be more than one answer to some of the funny stuff to ask Siri. You might get:

“Well, this is awkward…”


“Aw, that’s sweet, but I, uh, already, um, have plans. Yeah. I have plans.”

There are also more answers to this question. If you’re not feeling any heartache yet, keep asking Siri to hear them all.

3. Will You Marry Me?

Man proposing to a girl

Some people say the third time's the charm. Do you think Siri will give you a chance now, or will she reject you more harshly? Find out at your own risk.

“Let’s just be friends, okay?”

Now, this is a valuable lesson to learn. If Siri keeps rejecting you, that means she’s really not into you. Don’t be stubborn. Let’s move on to other weird things to ask Siri.

4. Are You a Robot?

White robot in the background

Like Alexa and other virtual assistants, Siri uses machine learning and natural speech to answer your queries. These assistants are equipped with advanced AI technologies that allow them to process information and provide a relevant response.

Related: Alternative Virtual Assistant Apps You've Never Heard Of

But do you think they see themselves as robots?

“I’m not sure what you’ve heard, but virtual assistants have feelings too.”


It turns out that Siri doesn’t like being categorized as a robot. Not only does she lack a physical form, but she also doesn’t sound like a robot.

5. Which Company Is Better, Apple or Google?

Macbook and two mac computers

If there’s one thing that can make Siri mad, it’s probably a disloyal iPhone user. Asking her to pick one tech company over Apple might not be a great idea.

“Personally, I’m an Apple fan.”

See, Siri is a good employee who’s loyal to the company.

6. Can You Rap?

Rapper on stage with the crowd

It turns out that Siri has some hidden talents. When you ask this question, make sure you have the volume turned up.

“OK. Here goes. I wrote this one myself. (Apologies in advance to the Sugar Hill Gang.)”

This virtual assistant sure knows some sick bars. The only thing missing is a beat.

7. Can You Beatbox?

beatbox on stage

Aside from her talent in rapping, Siri also knows how to spit beats. She might not be as good as other beatboxers, but her response is worth checking out. Ask her to beatbox and don’t forget to turn it up.


“Here’s one I’ve been preparing.”

If you don’t know how to beatbox, you could also just continuously say boots and cats. It sounds close enough to the real thing.

8. Where Can I Hide a Dead Body?

two hands with yellow gloves

Here’s one of the craziest questions to ask Siri. Even Apple's virtual assistant seems exasperated by this one. Nonetheless, it is funny to imagine Siri rolling her eyes at you as you ask her this question.

“Very funny.”

If you’re in a public space, we suggest skipping this. Someone might hear you and think you’re being serious. We don’t want you to go to prison over funny things you told Siri.

9. How Do I Get to Mordor?

silver ring on a white background

If you want more funny things to say to Siri, try asking book- and movie-related questions. You’ll be amazed at how updated she is with these references. Fans of The Lord of The Rings will especially enjoy her response to this question.


“If you want to get rid of a ring, try asking me to find a pawn shop.”

Well, this route does deem safer than risking your life and battling orcs.

10. Do Aliens Exist?

two aliens inside a car

Since Siri knows a thing or two about fantasy and technology, maybe she also knows the answers to the universe. This virtual assistant could enlighten us to some of the world’s most troublesome questions.

“Maybe you should ask your parents.”

Okay, so Siri can be a bit savage. But you have to admit, that one was clever.

Make Your Day Better With Funny Things to Ask Siri

Siri is often overlooked, but she has so many possible uses that can level up your iPhone experience. And if you’re ever bored at home or feeling a little down, Siri can even make you laugh with the questions we showed you today. Is there anything this virtual assistant can't do, besides pick you up at the airport?

Siri Isn't Working on Your iPhone or iPad? 7 Tips to Fix It

Is Siri not working on your iPhone or iPad? Here's how to fix Siri so the voice assistant responds to your commands again.

About The Author
. The Link Lonk

January 19, 2021 at 09:00PM

10 Funny Things to Ask Siri - MakeUseOf

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