To the editor:
The jokes in our own Rep. Ray “Bubba” Sorensen’s Week 10 newsletter made me laugh. It’s good to know that he maintains his sense of humor. Of course, the pix of the kiddies were precious as always.
However, it’s no joke that our representative forgot a very important piece of information in his Week 10 Newsletter: the charter school expansion bill.
It’s no laughing matter that the Iowa House Republicans will be discussing the charter school expansion bill (HF813 previously HSB242) within their caucus. There’s nothing funny about this expansion bill. Here’s what it proposes:

• A “founding group” for a charter would not need to have any connection to our Nodaway Valley School Board even though it could pull funds away from our school district.
• The “founding group” can be for-profit and can use our local tax dollars, though not publicly elected
• The “founding group” meetings would not be subject to the Iowa Open Meetings laws
• *The “founding group” members would not have to live in Iowa.
This is not wise decision making. It will not do anything to make our public schools stronger.
Hands off public tax dollars for charter schools that operate like private schools, making money for their “founders” and using our children without any accountability to our local school board.
Let Rep. Sorensen know that there’s nothing to laugh about with this thinly disguised effort to weaken local public schools.
Judy Kading
March 21, 2021 at 07:06AM
Letter to the editor: Bubba's charter-school ignorance no joke - theperrynews.com
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