Houston – At KPRC 2, we’re dedicated to keeping Houstonians informed. As part of our Ask 2 series, the newsroom will answer your questions about all things Houston.
Question: Heidi Kinslow from Conroe, asked: “I was wondering who is behind the funny sayings/ideas that are displayed on the TXDOT traffic update signs? Is it a whole team or people or just one person that’s responsible for these funny puns? Would love to know as it sure puts a smile on your face daily to see them.
Answer: Well Heidi, the answer is a whole team puts these sayings together. There’s a lot of work that goes behind what is published on those big billboard signs. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, this team of folks has created a platform that really helps push out their messaging and keep drivers safe.
July 08, 2020 at 12:22AM
Ask 2: Who is behind the funny sayings that are displayed on TXDOT traffic signs? - KPRC Click2Houston
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